Changes with development...

Hello! if you have played my game or follow all of my community posts that have to due with updates to the game you would find out that I haven't posted as much, an update before would only take about 1 - 2 days to launch and make and now its been 5 days- which in retrospect is not that many but it is many for me. The reason for my absence has been because I have been reworking key features of the game like the camera system and the movement (Which has been remade) Now the game has gone from "Simple 2D platformer with combat" to "A simple 2d Metroidvania " Inspired by things like hollow knight, dead cells and dewdrop dynasty. I have even gotten a simple combat system to work- With enemy's! Now because of the new systems the old levels do not really work with camera so what I have done is design the world in a way where we have 5 different areas and each area is one big level. .Here is some WIP art for the map and update with some of the new features will come out soon! ;)                   

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